szawar - video showreel
Filip Szawarski
Multimedia Editor

Hello, I'm Filip.

For the last 20 years, I’ve worked as a video editor for creators, agencies, and brands across various platforms, including TV and museums, as well as in roles such as cinematographer, motion designer and producer. 

My work emphasizes dynamic, attention-grabbing formats that combine sound and music with compelling narratives and aesthetic visuals. I also offer creative ideas, copywriting support, and AI solutions. 

Feel free to contact me.

Video Editting
Motion Design
Music Supervisor
AI for Ads & Films
RankUp Effect
RankUp Effect
RankUp Effect
RankUp Effect

Using AI tools, I support film and advertising preproduction in previsualization, pitching, creative concepts, key visuals, and moodboards.

Szawar - AI Showreel


Filip Szawarski

Multimedia Editor


+ 48 507 018 638

2024, Gdynia, Poland